Why donate to the Oral History Association?The OHA Endowment Fund was established in the 1980s to provide a strong financial foundation for the association. Donations to the Oral History Association support the organization in multiple ways. Donations fund travel grants for international scholars, fund our various awards; and support the organization's operating costs. We will gratefully acknowledge your gift in our yearly conference program. The OHA is a 501(c)3 organization and all or part of your donation may be tax deductible. There are multiple ways you can give:Membership Renewal:When you renew your membership, consider making a donation to the Endowment to support the organization's ongoing work. Volunteer Service:The annual conference is a time-intensive project and we welcome all who are willing to give of their time to the event. Those who work five hours are given complimentary registration. In Memoriam:Consider making a donation in memory of an active or past member of the Oral History Association. Legacy Gifts, Planned Giving and Estate Donations:Help ensure the future of the Oral History Association through a deferred gift. Planned giving may include a bequest to the organization in your will, making the OHA a beneficiary of a life insurance policy, or other deferred contributions. Contact the Executive Office at [email protected] for more information. How to donate?We accept online contributions through Memberclicks (blue button) and PayPal (yellow button), or you can complete the Donation Form and mail in a check. Thank you for contributing so that OHA can continue its mission as the principal membership organization for people committed to the value of oral history! Donate with MemberClicks |